How to Make a Html Quiz Multiple Choice With Continue and Exit Button

jquery quiz program

How we can create a true/false or multiple-choice questions quiz program using JS or any JS library? Solution: See this jQuery Quiz Program With Multiple Choice Questions, Create a Quiz.

Earlier I have shared a JavaScript Quiz Program, but this is a dynamic quiz program using jQuery. Basically, we use a quiz program to test our student's or visitors' skills. There are many websites, which are only for online quizzes. A typical online quiz contains questions and answers options, like multiple-choice questions. There mostly quiz websites are based on CMS like WordPress and they have plugins for creating a quiz. But we can create a quiz using JavaScript or any JavaScript library.

Today you will learn to create a quiz program using jQuery. Basically, there are 8 questions with 2 options answers like true/false or yes/no. On the left side, there is a vertical progress bar for showing you many questions you attended. When you give answers to all the questions, then the submit button will visible. After clicking the submit button, you can see your score and how many right or wrong answers you selected.

So, Today I am sharing the jQuery Quiz Program With Multiple Choice Questions. There I have used HTML for creating the layout and put question/answers, CSS for styling, and jQuery for functioning. You can use this program to create a quiz on your website, after some modifications like questions and answers.

If you are thinking now how this quiz program actually is, then see the preview given below.

Preview Of Create a Quiz

See this video preview to getting an idea of how this multiple choice question-answer looks like.

Live Demo

Now you can see this program visually, also you can see it live by pressing the button given above. If you like this, then get the source code of its.

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jQuery Quiz Program With Multiple Choice Questions Source Code

Before sharing source code, let's talk about it. First I have created a header and the main div named wrap. Inside the main div, I have placed all question/answer sections and the progress bar div. Each quiz section contains 2 divs, one for the question and one for the answer. There I have used HTML Data-* attribute to store the answer in the array.

Now using CSS I have placed all the items in the right place, as you can see in the preview. With CSS first I gave values like size, position, margin, padding, etc to all the elements. There I have used CSS :before and :after commands to creating some elements. I have styled answer options which are based on inputs using input [ type = "radio" ] selector. Also, there are many things I have done using CSS.

jQuery handling here all functions of the program. There I have used JS if { } else { } statements and used for { } loop to execute functions. After that, I have declared the answers in array. Left all other things you will understand after getting the codes, I can't explain all in writing. For creating this program you have to create 3 files. First file for HTML, second file for CSS, and the third file for JavaScript.

Follow the steps to creating this program without any error.


Create an HTML file named ' index.html ' and put these codes given below.


Now create a CSS file named ' style.css ' and put these codes given here.


The final step, create a JavaScript file named ' function.js ' and put the codes.

That's It. Now you have successfully created the jQuery Quiz Program With Multiple Choice Questions, Create a Quiz. If you have any doubt or question comment down below.

Thanks For Visiting, Keep Visiting.


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